General Contractor Referral Program

The general contractor referral program lets you earn money by referring general contractors in your network to Flashtract. If a general contractor you know is a good fit, send them our way and we will send you an Amazon gift card.

How it works

Referral Rewards

Flashtract offers several rewards based on which general contractors you refer and whether or not those general contractors become Flashtract customers:

Frequently asked questions

How many general contractors can I refer?

Please see the "Referral Rewards" section above.

 What needs to happen to receive the gift card?

Flashtract must choose to make contact with your referral. Once contact has been made, Flashtract will send the gift card.

I am interested, but I want someone to walk me through the process. Is the possible?

Of course! Send an email to and a Flashtract representative will be in touch shortly.